My Favorite Halloween Costume

Friday, October 28, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann 0 comments
I wanted to share one of my favorite stories from my youth of Halloween.

I unfortunately couldn't find a childhood photo
 but figured this was a great replacement.  
Even as a child, I loved pets. Every book I read, or game I played involved animals. So it’s no surprise that I wanted to dress as one every Halloween. When I was six, I was obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. It wasn’t so much Pooh that grabbed my attention, but Eeyor that I was gaga for. I begged my mother to make me an Eeyor costume.

That’s not so easy to do.

My Mom is certainly talented and was able to sew an Eeyor body, but we really had to work on the head. Mom, being like most Mom’s, was extremely resourceful. She made an Eeyor head out of paper mache.  It was perfect! I couldn’t wait to go dressed as my favorite animal. Well, Halloween rolled around and off I went trick or treating. It was time to get to the first house, and I popped on that Eeyor head with pride. As this was the first time I was allowed to wear it (Mom didn’t want me messing it up before the big day scaring our Golden Retriever), I was over the moon.

And then I put it on.

All 783 pounds of it. Being a smaller six year old, I needed the assistance of a friend to hold up my head and get to the door. It wasn’t merely the weight that was impeding my progress – Mom forgot to put eye holes in it.

I was a blind, head heavy Eeyor. And I loved it! I was finally Eeyor – weight and sight issues aside. I should have known then what I know now – I was always going to be involved with animals.

What’s your favorite Halloween story – and did it involve paper mache? Haha

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, Founder and CEO

Fetch! Pet Care

What Exactly are the Dangers of Chocolate for Animals?

Friday, October 21, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann 2 comments
I love chocolate. There, I said it. I really love the stuff. But I know that chocolate is very hazardous to my pets. And with Halloween right around the corner (and my 6 year old son’s eagerness to trick or treat and get the goodies), I’m going to be extra vigilant about keeping an eye on the chocolate in the house. I found this article on the Dangers of Chocolate for pets – I thought you might want to read it.

Getting a piece of chocolate might delight your dog, but the sweet treat can be highly dangerous. In fact, it can be fatal. Even if you don't intentionally feed chocolate to your pooch, it's always possible it will find a piece on the floor. So it's important to be diligent about not dropping chocolate, and also aware of the risks, symptoms and treatments needed if this ever happens.
Reason of toxicity
An ingredient in chocolate, theobromine, is toxic to dogs. Cocoa beans naturally contain theobromine, so it is found in all chocolate. Another dangerous ingredient to dogs that is naturally in chocolate is caffeine.
Size, Age and Health
Size, age and health play a big role on how dangerous the chocolate consumed will be to the dog. According to, "The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine (100-150 mg/kg) to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration."
Dogs vs. Cats
According to veterinarian Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, "Because of their indiscriminate eating habits, dogs are far more commonly affected than cats."
First Symptoms
According to Gwaltney-Brant, "Clinical signs usually occur within six to12 hours of ingestion. Three initial signs include polydypsia, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and restlessness."
Types of Chocolate
According to, different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine. White chocolate contains the least, and baking chocolate (ground cocoa beans) contains the most.
Dangerous symptoms may follow the first symptoms, so it is important to contact your veterinarian immediately. These symptoms include: seizures, arrhythmia, hyperthermia, and coma. Respiratory failure and cardiac arrhythmia are the main reasons why eating chocolate can be fatal to dogs.
Induced vomiting, and controlled fluid consumption are most likely the treatments a veterinarian will employ for a dog suffering from chocolate toxicity. The dog will need to be under heart monitoring and constant supervision, as well.

So remember, during this fun holiday season, please be aware of goodies you have around the house and keep your pets at the for front of your mind.

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, 
Founder & CEO

Fetch! Pet Care

How's Your Pet's Health?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann 3 comments
Did you know it’s National Pet Wellness Month? 

Unfortunately, our pets can’t talk and tell us when and if something is wrong. They can’t say, "oww", or "I’m just feeling a bit off and maybe should go see the Doc". Being their moms and dads, it is our job to notice when they’re not eating right, or when they’re just lethargic. 

The best thing we can do for our pets is to not wait! Get in and have regular check-ups. 

I know I hate going to the doctor, but that’s just me. I do, however, take my cats in regularly because they matter to me and my family so much. So if you haven’t gone in recently for a good wellness check, bring your furry, feathered, and scaly babies in for a nice physical. That way, you can all rest nice and easy…and healthy. 

I recently came across these great tips for pet owners that drives this point home. This tips are great for you pet mom and dads to follow that will help you make sure your pets will stay healthy. Paw Posse posted 7 tips for pet owners to think about and practice on a regular basis to ensure your pets health. 

Celebrate National Pet Wellness Month by making sure your pet is well!

Have you visited your veterinarian recently?

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, Founder & CEO

Fetch! Pet Care

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

Friday, October 7, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann 0 comments
Pets are great, aren’t they? They give us that unconditional love. Those soft eyes that look at you at the end of a long day sort of make the stress of the day disappear. 

This month is Adopt a Dog Month, and if your family is looking for some more love, go to your local shelter and adopt a dog. Yup, you could spend thousands of dollars going to a very good breeder and getting that fabulous designer doggy that will bring years of joy to your life. 

Nothing wrong with that. 

BUT, you could go to your local shelter and find an equally fabulous pup, dog, or senior fur baby that will not only be eternally grateful, but will also keep giving back every day. I kind of like that thought. It’s a win win win win win. That’s right, adopt ashelter dog this month and you’ll all have time to settle in as a family before the busy holiday season. Go shelter dogs!!!

Did you adopt your furry companion? I would love to hear your story!

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, Founder & CEO

Fetch! Pet Care