Take Care of Your Seniors

Friday, September 16, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann
We here at Fetch! Pet Care believe that pets are truly a part of the family, don’t you agree?

Pets in most households are considered children and, like your own children, they need regular checkups and screenings. These check-ups/screenings are especially important when pets start entering their old age.

According to Dr. Michael Watts in StarExponent.com article entitled, “September is Senior Pet Wellness Month,” a dog reaches the human age of 50 around seven years old and a cat around 10 years old. At these ages, pets are considered “seniors” and it is important that they be taken into the vets to begin receiving regular screenings.

Think about it. We understand that once we hit a certain age, we need to get regular mammograms, colonoscopy and prostate evaluations to catch and prevent cancer. The same goes for our pets! According to this article pets need to get more “thorough laboratory screenings tests” so that we (their humans) can detect medical conditions early and treat them in a timely manner. By doing this, we ensure our pets will continue to have a long and healthy life with our families.

The fact that there is a month dedicated to raising awareness and teaching pet owners multiple ways to ensure their pets live longer is fantastic! Not everyone realizes when exactly their pet hits “old age” and what conditions they should be looking out for when they do hit that age.

Remember, your local veterinarian is one of the best resources. If you are concerned you need to do more for your pet or want to make sure you are doing everything in your power to keep them comfortable, call your vet and make an appointment. It’s as easy to make a “doctors” appointment for your pets as it is for yourself!

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, Founder & CEO

Fetch! Pet Care

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