National Cat Week

Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Posted by Paul Mann
This week is National Cat Week!

I can honestly say that I enjoy cats. I have two of my own, Marley and Finnegan, and they are the highlight of my and my family's life.

So you may ask, what's so special about cats?

Cats are one of the few domestic pets that can easily fend for themselves. They don't need their humans to walk them, take them our to use the restroom, and clean themselves. However, because they are so independent, many people believe that cats are not social creatures and do not enjoy their owners petting or cuddling with them. This may be true for some, but not for the majority.

Their independence from their humans is what makes them so special. All cat owners know, when your cat spends time with you, it's not because they need something, it's because they actually want to spend time with you. Cat owners can agree, that time is the best in the world!

My cats are suckers for spending time with our family.

Marley loves to climb under the covers every night and snuggles his back right up to me or my wife. When he gets comfortable, he begins to purr and the sounds is very soothing, which in turn helps to relax my wife and me and puts us to sleep.

Finnegan is our little jokester. Most evenings, Finnegan drags one of my 6 year old son's sweaters or jackets from upstairs in his room down into the living room. He will then try to put it on, curl up in a ball and warms himself up.

What are your favorite things about your fur babies?

For the Pets,

Paul Mann, Founder and CEO

Fetch! Pet Care

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